Monday, November 15, 2010

Cost of increasing jobs

Recently the media has been filled with stories of president Obama’s trip over to Asia. The trips purpose is to bring back jobs from overseas. Some people in the media interpreted this as meaning that America wanted its telemarketing jobs from India back. That was not the point though. The point was to get other countries interested in American made products. For example, Obama and the leader of India made a pact that India would buy new plans from America. The figures the white house gave said that this alone should employ 20,000 American workers. This seems like a slightly inflated number, but the real inflated numbers have come from the cost of the trip. One media outlet is quoted as saying the trip would cost “$200 million a day, $2 billion total, 34 diverted Navy ships, a 2,000-person presidential entourage, and 870 hotel rooms in India.”
These numbers are so over inflated the white house has actually had to come out and tell the media what they really are spending. They have said that, no, they are not sending a 5th of the navy abroad with the president, no they did not hire 1000 security officials, and no they did not rent out the taj mahol, which, contrary to popular belief, is not a hotel. This just goes to show that all you need is one little off the wall news report to end a carrier. Something like this could ruin a person if they don’t use effective spin control

Sunday, November 7, 2010

everything wrong with the media

Recently everyone has heard about the comedy central “rally to restore sanity/ march to restore fear” put on by Steven Colbert and john Stewart. This was the talk of everyone everywhere. All the other news station were trying to guess what the rally would hold.
Would it be political?
What would the goals be?
Would it have a point, or was it just to make fun (most likely at glen beck)?
Well it finally happened and it turned out to not be the earth shattering moment in history some people were hopeing it would be. It had its up moments and it had its down (the part with the myth busters was the worst from what this article below reads). At the end of the rally though john Stewart made the comment that “no matter what happened today it will either be remembered as an amazing success, or an epic failure.” That quote right there sums up everything that is wrong with the media. everything has to be an extreme. No one wants to hear the story of an average rally, or a senator who just did am alright job. We want entertainment, scandal, disaster, and devastation. That’s what sells. And its because of this that the rally can’t just be ok. It has to be something that is earth shattering amazing, or destroys the country.
Why is it that we cant have average? Why cant we hear stories what aren’t over embellished to the point of ridiculousness. If we could achieve this it would fix every problem we have talked about in the media all semester.