Monday, August 30, 2010

freedom of religion vs freedom of speech

Every time I turn on the news (which is usually the Daily Show or Colbert Report) there seems to be some form of the ground zero mosque story going on. it seems everyone has an opinion on it. Personally I side with those that would do whatever it takes to keep the mosque from being built, but I know that the law is on the side of the Muslims. There really is no legal reason they shouldn’t be able to build whatever they want under freedom of religion. Freedom of religion usually goes hand in hand with freedom of speech though, which is why I don’t understand this article I recently came across: “State Department Condemns Rabbi Who Prayed for Death to All Palestinians”. Just like the mosque, there is no legal reason why someone shouldn’t be able to pray what they want to pray. Where are the people fighting for the rabbi’s rights though?

Yes I understand that publicly praying for the death of anyone is controversial at best, but so is building a monument to a religion that, whether you agree or not, I feel is responsible for the largest attack on civilians in our country ever. I just don’t understand why so many people stepped forward to support freedom of religion, but no one has said a thing about freedom of speech.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

fox vs. cnn

when ever i think of politics in media i always think of the 2 news giants: FOX News and CNN. Ive learned from other people that many find FOX to be conservative and CNN to be liberal (my grandfather likes to call it Clinton News Network). these news channels cant make up the news though, so how could the possibly be different. something thats news worthy for a republican should be news worth to a democrat to right?
well in trying to discover if thats true or not i pulled up both there web pages side by side to see what each one thinks is the most important stories for the day.
what i found is actually kind of funny! the first one i looked at was fox news. as soon as the page opens you see a giant picture of an old guy and next to that picture is written in huge letters "NO NRA Endorsement for Reid in Nevada Senate Race". what could possibly be more republican than the NRA. FOX isn't the only one playing on political stereo types though, CNN is just as bad. if republican is to NRA then democrat is to...... you guessed it Rev. Al Sharpton! lol but no really the first articel on CNN's page reads "Sharpton: Beck has the mall, we have the message." that tittle really didnt mean anything to me, so i clicked on the article and started reading. apparently what the article is about is a critisism of and event held by Glen Beck and the Lincon Monument. so not only is it a highly democrat article, but its also the democrates and the republicans fighting with each other, further showing what side of the political line they fall on.
as different as they are though, both news stations have a lot in common though. boths first article is politically motivated, but both also have the same theme for the second article.
CNN: "in the shadow of the levees"
FOX; "Katrina, five years after: a coastline changes forever?"

so really, in conclusion. wether your republican or democrate, both CNN and FOX news report on the same things, they just give different perspectives. so if your worried about lossing your guns watch FOX and if your worried about glen beck watch CNN!