Monday, August 30, 2010

freedom of religion vs freedom of speech

Every time I turn on the news (which is usually the Daily Show or Colbert Report) there seems to be some form of the ground zero mosque story going on. it seems everyone has an opinion on it. Personally I side with those that would do whatever it takes to keep the mosque from being built, but I know that the law is on the side of the Muslims. There really is no legal reason they shouldn’t be able to build whatever they want under freedom of religion. Freedom of religion usually goes hand in hand with freedom of speech though, which is why I don’t understand this article I recently came across: “State Department Condemns Rabbi Who Prayed for Death to All Palestinians”. Just like the mosque, there is no legal reason why someone shouldn’t be able to pray what they want to pray. Where are the people fighting for the rabbi’s rights though?

Yes I understand that publicly praying for the death of anyone is controversial at best, but so is building a monument to a religion that, whether you agree or not, I feel is responsible for the largest attack on civilians in our country ever. I just don’t understand why so many people stepped forward to support freedom of religion, but no one has said a thing about freedom of speech.

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