Friday, September 24, 2010

glen beck vs. comedy central

the rally to restore sanity/ march to keep fear alive hasn't event begun yet and it already promises to be bigger than there rival, glen beck's, previous rally, depending on who you look at. some statistics say over half a million people were at glee becks rally, but it seems it was more closely around 85,000. the rallies put on by Colbert and Stewart already have 125,000 people saying they are planning on going on facebook. from seeing a clip from the glen beck show the other day though its clear that he is not happy about this. glen becks gone as far as to say that the Colbert report is somehow using this rally as some type of activation process for the mind control that the daily show and colbert report have been pumping out for the past 5 years. this idea is crazy though, and i think glens just a little jealous people would rather go to a comedy like fun event than a fo-civil rights movement whatever thing he tried to do.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

the daily show vs. the colbert report- Whats going on

Last week on the daily show John Stewart announced that he would be having a rally: A “rally to restore sanity”. By doing this he hopes to convince America to “tone it down a notched” and to stop drawing Hitler mustaches on anyone except Hitler. After his announcement though Steven Colbert of the Colbert report announced that he too would be hosting an event; the “march to keep fear alive”. Both Steven and john have a point to their given rallies. On johns side I agree that it seems every single thing that happens the news makes it seem like life as we know it is about to come to an end. Does everyone that does something we don’t agree with have to be Hitler? Maybe turning it down a notch isn’t too bad, but then again Steven has a point to. So many things do seem to be wrong that this is in no way the time for complacency. Something, whether it is everyone chilling out, or everyone rioting in the streets needs to be done, and these two news casters have the power, I believe, to make it happen. I fear though that they won’t use this power to accomplish anything though, instead I think this is all put here to make fun of glen beck.

Monday, September 13, 2010

obama vs. fox news

as the video at the bottom of this post says, presidents and the press have always been at war. no one is going to agree with everything a president does, and even fewer will agree if the news paints them in a negative light. fox news openly claims to not be liberal. they say they are fair and balanced. some people think that means they are conservative and some think they are telling the truth, it really depends on if you agree with them or not. whether they are conservative or fair doesnt matter though, cause what ever you believe about them you cant deny that they are not fans of Obama. being so obama is not a fan of fox, and recently he has tried to fight back. presidents before have tried this before in some instances, and in some cases they have won. obamas tactics have bordered on the illegal though, with an attempt to block them out of interviews. An act of which was so upsetting to every news station that the competition even spoke out about it till obamas administration decided to reverse that decision. and rightly so. the president is the most powerful man in the country, but if he tries to use that power to silence those that dont agree with him democracy dies right then and there. that is the number one fundamental right we have, freedom of speech, that separates us from these 3rd world dictatorships. if he wants to refuse interviews with them (which he has) thats his right, but to block them from press conferences and only allow people that agree with him to join in, that is horribly horribly wrong!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

How to apologize using mass media (after mass media forces you to do so)

Before the technological age we lived in, if you really felt bad about something you had done to someone you would tell them “I’m sorry”. You could meet them in person, write them a letter, call them on the phone etc… it was a very private thing. Only you and the person you had wronged had to know you had messed up. Today our media crazed minds demand more of our celebrity gods though. When Kanye West did the whole Taylor swift thing, he didn’t just wrong one person, he wronged everyone that sings her songs and enjoys her music. Thus slipping her a note reading “yo Taylor girl sorry for all that beyonce s**t up on the stage, ya know I love ya. Sorry for reals.” Wouldn’t cut it. Thankfully for him though the little invention of twitter has been created. Now if he wants to apologize to Taylor swift (almost a year later when the next music awards are coming up and he needs public support to win), he can simply write: “I’m sorry Taylor” on twitter and his 700,000 fans can get the message and pass it on to everyone else that’s still angry with him, thus giving everyone a since that he has apologized for hurting them as well.

As much as I’d hate to say it though, I still have to agree with Obama and his original comments about Kanye.

How Twitter Helped Resurrect Kanye West