Friday, September 24, 2010

glen beck vs. comedy central

the rally to restore sanity/ march to keep fear alive hasn't event begun yet and it already promises to be bigger than there rival, glen beck's, previous rally, depending on who you look at. some statistics say over half a million people were at glee becks rally, but it seems it was more closely around 85,000. the rallies put on by Colbert and Stewart already have 125,000 people saying they are planning on going on facebook. from seeing a clip from the glen beck show the other day though its clear that he is not happy about this. glen becks gone as far as to say that the Colbert report is somehow using this rally as some type of activation process for the mind control that the daily show and colbert report have been pumping out for the past 5 years. this idea is crazy though, and i think glens just a little jealous people would rather go to a comedy like fun event than a fo-civil rights movement whatever thing he tried to do.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Beck is an idiot. He is like a 9 year old boy who is embarrassed, and not knowing how to deal with it, becomes "angry."

    Whether Stuart and Colbert's rally is political or not, I actually think it is aimed more at being a "coming together" event. These rallies are not polarizing (like Becks).

    I know I am looking to attend, hopefully I can make it!
