Thursday, September 23, 2010

the daily show vs. the colbert report- Whats going on

Last week on the daily show John Stewart announced that he would be having a rally: A “rally to restore sanity”. By doing this he hopes to convince America to “tone it down a notched” and to stop drawing Hitler mustaches on anyone except Hitler. After his announcement though Steven Colbert of the Colbert report announced that he too would be hosting an event; the “march to keep fear alive”. Both Steven and john have a point to their given rallies. On johns side I agree that it seems every single thing that happens the news makes it seem like life as we know it is about to come to an end. Does everyone that does something we don’t agree with have to be Hitler? Maybe turning it down a notch isn’t too bad, but then again Steven has a point to. So many things do seem to be wrong that this is in no way the time for complacency. Something, whether it is everyone chilling out, or everyone rioting in the streets needs to be done, and these two news casters have the power, I believe, to make it happen. I fear though that they won’t use this power to accomplish anything though, instead I think this is all put here to make fun of glen beck.

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